Trusted Taylor® Testing
Email Templates
Click the links below to open Word documents containing our Trusted Taylor Testing email templates. Simply copy the subject line and body copy into whatever email marketing platform you use to connect with your customers. Add your company information where needed and feel free to include our email banner (below). We designed the banner so your logo can fit nicely next to it! New email templates will be added as we move through the year, so check back occasionally for new content!
Email - Trusted Taylor Testing Recognition
Email - Yay! It's That Time Again!
Email - Thank You for Visiting
Email - Why Is It So Important to Test Your Water Frequently?
Email - How Often Should I Change My Reagents or Test Strips?
Email - 10 Tips for Storing and Using Your Testing Supplies
Email - Do You Know the Key Values?
Email - Do You Know the Two Most Important Factors When Monitoring Pool or Spa Water?